SportingSmiles Turns Ten!

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Ten years ago this month, in Brookfield, Wisconsin, SportingSmiles was born. The idea behind the company was simple: to bring high-quality, custom dental appliances to our customers at the lowest price possible. We achieved this by cutting out the middlemen and minimizing overheads so that you can be sure that you are paying for the highest quality dental products and nothing else.

Where It All Began

Our official launch may have been ten years ago, but our story goes back a little further than that. As with so many great ideas, it began with an accident. At the age of 14, Evan, our founder, had his front teeth knocked out by an errant baseball bat. His father, a dentist, furnished him with four shiny new false teeth and told him to take better care of them. Evan took that to heart and started wearing a mouthguard whenever playing sports.

There was one downside though. All the over the counter guards were uncomfortable and boring. Evan asked his dad to teach him how to make custom mouthguards and he began producing them in exciting new colors with patterns and graphics. It wasn’t long before Evan’s classmates took an interest, and soon he was making them for friends and family too. With their encouragement, and seeing a gap in the market, Evan took the leap in May of 2009 and founded Sporting Smiles to bring his innovative mouthguard designs to the masses.

Retainers and Other Custom Dental Appliances

Essix Plus retainers from Sporting Smiles

Essix Plus Clear retainer

Evan quickly realized that his process for supplying people with affordable custom mouthguards could work for other dental products too. Many people at the time could not afford the expensive dentist visits to get custom guards and retainers. With that in mind, SportingSmiles expanded our business to include all custom dental guards, retainers, and trays. That’s when we adopted our mantra, to always strive to bring their customers the best quality dental solutions at the lowest possible prices. Our catalog now includes a wide variety of guards, retainers, and whitening solutions to meet all your dental needs.

In 2013, SportingSmiles designed and patented the first-ever dual-arch adjustable mouth tray for taking better dental impressions. This revolutionized the way in which dental impressions are taken. It eliminated the need for trial and error and made taking self impressions much easier and more accessible. The new self-impression kits allowed us to expand our business and reach even more customers with quality custom dental appliances.

Forward to the Future

From our humble beginnings, SportingSmiles has grown into a thriving business, servicing thousands of customers across the country. In our new 10,000 sqft headquarters in Waukesha, we continue to make the same high-quality products. However, the technology that makes that possible is different. With digital 3D scanning and printing technology, we now convert your impression into a custom dental appliance with the most accurate possible fit.

Ten years on and SportingSmiles continues to grow. We are still as committed to finding affordable dental solutions for our customers as we were at the start. The past decade has flown by for us. We hope that you appreciate our commitment to bringing you affordable, high-quality dental guards and solutions as much as we appreciate your business. Here’s to the next ten years! 

To learn more about SportingSmiles, Click HERE.

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